Monday, April 4, 2011


I have been neglectful of my poor little Pammy blog. I can make excuses until the newly-permitted chickens come home....but the long and short of it is...I've been a busy l'il thing!
So please consider this my blogpology. A word I just invented which mashes together, yep, you guessed it 'blog' and 'apology'. So....what has been going on that has kept you so busy, Pam? Is the question that no doubt is on all of your minds....well...I'd be happy to tell you!! Since I haven't blogged since right after Christmas, I will break it down for you like so:
We started off the year staying the weekend at Damali Lavendar Farm and Bed and Breakfast...which was AMAZING. Lovely hosts, beautiful room, fantastic breakfast! I highly recommend giving them a try!
For dinner on New Year's eve, we popped over to one of our favourite orchard/bistro/spa/bakery Merridale Ciderworks for an unbelievably good dinner at an even more unbelievable price! Our food and the service there was incredible, and we had such a lovely time!
After all that eating, I did a few classes at my girl Rachel's dance studio Passion and Performance. They have a bunch of wicked classes like "Sweat and Strut" and "Chair Dance".
I've been applying for jobs pretty much since December, and was fortunate enough to have a couple of interviews in January. Helped with my interview anxiety...I wasn't the right fit for either position, which is ok with me, and my search continues. Anyone know of anyone who could use a Pam???
LOL catz! ewe are sew qewt!
January is a very Birthday heavy month in my family. My Dad, aka Spikey Mikey shares his birthday with my cousin, Pcakes, and her mom, Auntycakes is just 2 days later.
My girl Camille also celebrated the anniversary of her day of birth with a good old fashioned girls' night. Included in these festivities were several sing-a-longs to mid-to late 90's R and B songs and an unfortunate mishap when googling "hot celebrity dads"............oh my!
February was a good month also :) I co-hosted a baby shower for a co-worker who had her baby a wee bit earlier than expected. So we had the shower after the fact, like 3 months after. Nothing like welcoming a new baby into the world during cold and flu season! So we thought we'd wait until most of the germies were gone away. Welcome to the world little Elliot!

cute, right?
 I celebrated my friend Tracy's birthday with flare at The Mint...and I think we went to Tapa Bar  also??! There were mojitos involved....
I made her some cupcakes...which travelled quite well until the very last minute when someone cut me off and I had to slam on my breaks, which sent my poor cuppies flying :( Oh well. They still tasted pretty boss, and I tried :D

"T" for Tracy!
I also checked out Paul Filek at the Bard and Banker...which is always a good time!! Check his page out, he has his music posted and funny videos :)
Mitch and I kitty sat a sweet little kitty named Therapy.
You can check out her mommy's page by clicking here. She is a very talented photographer!!
 I did a lot of reading in preparing for my doula course which I took from Mothering Touch. Mitch and I spent a very nice evening on Valentine's Day at Merridale Ciderworks ...we had such a yummy dinner on New Year's Eve, we just had to go back! Usually we have dinner there in the summers on the patio, but it's actually quite lovely in winter too.

I went to Vancouver to visit my friends Matt and Lindsay and their 3 adorable kidlets....and boy what a weekend it was! I walked onto
the ferry and took the bus to South Surrey/White Rock to see my girl Courtney and get ma hair did. She moved around Thanksgiving to the mainland, so I lost a friend...and my hairdresser! I was so happy to see her and she did an amazing per usual on my hair. If any of my loyal blog followers live on the lower mainland, you should definitely go check her out at Chatters-Grandview Corners.
We had a liiiiiiiiiiiitle bit of snow in Victoria...which is like a gigantic snow storm here, because we hardly ever get snow. It left.
 My brother-in law celebrated a birthday in Brisbane, Australia. I sent him a card and a bright yellow kitchen tool.

In March I was lucky to have a visit from my oooooold friend Chiaki, and her friend Stephen.
Chiaki and I went to AFCENT International School MILLION years ago. I tried my darndest to show her the best Victoria has to offer in the 36 hours that she was here. We checked out the
Dine Around Victoria scene, and ended up having a lovely dinner at the Oak Bay Marina. The girls did Sunday afternoon tea at The Empress while the boys....well they saw some other sights...mostly the insides of bars and pubs!
I did some volunteering in I do...I volunteer as a Birth Control Educator for Island Sexual Health Society. I love it. It is awesome. If you live in Victoria and you don't know about this gotta check it out...lots of good info to be had.
Fridge Fail :(
 We had a small upset in March, when our fridge up and died (or so we though) was able to be revived, which was very fortunate for us, but ALL of our food had spoiled.

I also completed my Birth Doula course at Mothering Touch. This course has changed the way I see myself and my future.Watch for updates on this, and perhaps a website and more blogging, and perhaps (gasp) even TWITTER!!

4 stripes and a curl...way to go Daddy!
At the end of March, my wonderful daddy, Spikey Mikey was promoted in his job from Commander to Captain! He is so smart...s-m-r-t! I am so proud of him! My mom sent me this picture, which I cropped in case the person shaking his hand didn't want to be featured on my blog...

Well, that brings us up to speed, as it's now April. I'll try to be more diligent in updating my blog. Your encouragement and gentle pokes for more blog posts definitely help...Thanks for reading!!