Thursday, July 22, 2010

Babies are like white pants

Now stay with me faithful blog followers...I shall explain.
Ever since Mitch and I got married (and even before), people have been asking us when we're going to have babies...not if...when.

This can get very frustrating for 4 major reasons:
1) People assume you are going to have children
2) People assume it's their business to know when you are planning on having children
3) No matter how you answer the question, the person who asks it always has an opinion on your response
4) In essence, people are asking you about your sex life, and that's just none of heir beeswax!

I guess there are several other reasons why this question makes me crazy...but those are my top 4.
That aside, I do LOVE babies, and all children as a whole...but this leads me to my post title.
Babies, to me, are like white pants. On a somewhat superficial level they share many of the same qualitites.
I will outline a few things I feel they have in common:
  • Both get dirty quickly
  • Both can be scary
  • Both have the ability to make or break relationships
  • Both may cause you to look larger than you actually are
  • Both shouldn't be seen after Labour wait...scratch that...
 For myself, I know that someday I would like to be a mother...but that can mean many different things. Whether it be adopting children, having my own children, or being a foster mom, I look forward to the day when I get to be a member of the PTA and make a million cupcakes the night before a school bake sale.
But, I'm in no real hurry, and the thought of being responsible for a tiny person, full-time, 24/7/365 terrifies the same way that white pants do. A good, clean, crisp pair of white pants with a carefully chosen top and accessories can be phenomenal. However, more often than not, wearing white slacks will turn into wardrobe hell. There are so many things that can go amuck when attempting to pull of the white trouser, whether it be made of linen, luon (like mine), cotton, denim, or polyester (do not attempt post 1977).
Secondly, they're white, so you're basically giving the universe "the bird" and daring it to come find you with all its' dirt, oil, grime, coffee and pasta sauce.
Thirdly, you must ensure that you are wearing the proper undergarments. I don't know how many times I've seen people wear white pants with hot pink polka dot, full bum underwear. Srsly??! Why not wear them on the outside of your clothes then?! Because that's how crystal clear I can see your gitch.

Babies....are adorable...unless you have an ugly baby...
Steve Lynch--Ugly Baby
And they do get dirty, and cry, and require speciality apparel and gear.
They keep you up at night, wake up early, smear quasi-disintegrated baby teething cookies all over you...
Who wouldn't want that right?
But when they are clean, nothing beats a lungful of that fresh baby smell...

I'm fortunate enough to have many many friends with young children, so I get my fill. And they seem like a lot of fun...but also, a lot of work...and right now, I'm amazed if I can get through my work day, find time for a work out and make a meal or babies here for a while (so stop asking)  white pants...perhaps if the right ones come along...

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Ok. So, this may be a touchy subject for some..but it's something that has been on my mind for a few weeks now.Toilettiquette
I don't know if this word actually exists..if it doesn' should!
It combines Toilet and Ettiquette--thus Toilettiquette. Bathroom Beahaviour has been an awkward yet popular topic of conversation as of late. Recently, I've observed there to be a lack of what I describe as Toilettiquette.With boys telling tales of conversation no-no's or ill-spaced urinals, and girls sharing stories of feminine hygeine product mishaps and requests from under the divider to "spare a square". 

I was at work this week and I walked into our ladies' washroom--which has about 6 stalls, three sinks, a counter with a large mirror (for make-up touch-ups!) I was suprised when I heard a woman having a one-sided conversation...I was even more suprised when after the flush, a lady came out of the stall pants undone and a cell phone precariously placed between her ear and shoulder. Surpised that she had obviously taken her cell phone into the washroom stall...I kind of shot her a little "look", that are on the phone in the bathroom. Thinking this look would be enough to get her to finish her call, I proceeded to a stall. I waited to hear the tell-tale signs of a dwindling conversation...:talk to you soon" or "I better get going"...As I stood there contemplating sitting on the throne...but those phrases were never uttered. 

Now, I'm of the opinion that it is rude and disgusting to carry on a phone conversation while in a lavatory...but I could see if this lady needed to take this call, and there was no one else in the washroom...why she may have been tempted to continue the conversation....but then....
She continued talking while I was "tinkling", as I could no longer hold it, and I could tell she wasn't going to be ending her call anytime soon! And after the crazy auto-flush toilets we have at my work did it's thing...I walked towards the sink to wash my hands. The lady is still on the phone! So, just as I reach for the paper towel, she hangs up her cell...and then turns to me...I, at this point am fully expecting an aplogy with a very detailed explanation of the importance of the offending phone conversation. But no..........she proceeds to check her reflection in the mirror and tell me about the great deal she got on her blouse?! 
Dumbfounded, I congratulated her on her shopping saavy, although I thought in the back of mind..good thing she got a deal...that shirt is frightful! 

This is an interesting connundrum I have found myself in lately..I tend to "run into" people that I know in the washroom...mostly co-workers...and I am "confuzzled" about the length of conversations that people are willing to have while "taking care of business." But am I the only one?? If you begin a conversation with someone in the "foyer" or sink area of a public it appropriate to allow it to continue once on the other side of the stall door?? Or is it considered poor form to carry discussions over "the other side"?? Is taking the phone with you to the loo the thing to do?
Comments? Questions? 

Friday, July 9, 2010

Shoulder Scopes and Sun Salutations!

For those of you who did not know, I had an arthroscopic shoulder surgery May 5th of this year. This was to repair what has been an extremely annoying injury that occured as a result of my clumsiness some years ago! All in all, my surgery went very well and I have a gifted surgeon, a fantastic physio, a nurse-maid mom, and loving husband to thank for that :) The staff at VGH were excellent as well and I was even fortunate enough to have a nursing student, named Julia (yay!) who inserted my IV with amazingly little pain or struggle...on the first try! When I was transferred upstairs, a very hairy man, who was covered from head to toe (and nose to neck!) by scrub apparel was in charge of my medical care while I was waiting to be wheeled into the OR. He was a funny sort of man, a bit gruff, but silly. He asked me a question, he said "What is the first thing you're going to do when your shoulder is fixed?" I, without hesitation responded "A sun salutation!" This of course caused my yeti-like man nurse to howl with laughter..."A sun salutation?!", he repeated incredulously. "Yes, a sun salutation", I replied ( a little hurt by his laughter.) "It's a series of yoga poses," I explained cautiously. He said, "'s just that word 'salutation', it's not something you hear everyday."  "No, you don't...unless you're into yoga!" I quipped. So, this blog post is to say Mr. sasquatch male nurse...that on Tuesday, July 6th, I did my first post-surgery sun salutation :) and boy did it feel good! Oh I've missed your gentle stretches, twists and bends. I've missed the calm and quiet in my life...I look forward to many more downward dogs and tree poses in the near future!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

How my blog came to blog!

Well. I've done it. I have started a blog. You may be thinking as you read this...and I believe this is the voice in everyone's head (Mr.Macadow (sp?!), our gym teacher from AFCENT circa 1995) "Paaaam...Paaaam...why would YOU write a blog?" The answer is clear to I have lots to say! And I want a place where everyone can read all that I have to say! If you follow this blog, I can guarantee you posts that will be both funny and uplifting, as that is my modus operandi. More than likely, they will be somewhat random as well, like my life.
As I have never attempted this blogging business before...if you have comments or feedback or neat shortcuts, please let me know so I can become the blogger I was meant to be!

The title of my blog and the url took some time to decide on...with much input from friends and co-workers. There were many great suggestions and some pretty funny ones, including, but not limited to: BadAdams, Badadams, smallpam, pam-a-log, thetinyfirecracker, pamiam, pammywam, greeneggsandpam, plog, thepam, blogela, blam, pamdemonium and bambamsblog. While these were all excellent candidates...sadly, most of them were already spoken for. Then, in a lightbulb moment, my bus friend and co-worker, Andrea was telling me about a friend of hers who may be coming to stay at her house. And she said "My friend is nice, she would be a nice houseguest." To which I responded, "nice like me?", and my friend said "Yes...nice like you." And then it hit me! That should be the name of my blog! But nicelikeme was taken :( Foiled! By a german person who has "keine posts" --no posts!
Geschirrspulmaschine! (What we used to yell instead of a curse word--it means "dishwasher" in German)
So, I tried nicelikepam and it was available! Thus solving my dilemma.
I look froward to many late night or early morning posts and seeing all of your comments!
Thanks Bean for all of your help...and all of your future help in advance :)