Thursday, July 8, 2010

How my blog came to blog!

Well. I've done it. I have started a blog. You may be thinking as you read this...and I believe this is the voice in everyone's head (Mr.Macadow (sp?!), our gym teacher from AFCENT circa 1995) "Paaaam...Paaaam...why would YOU write a blog?" The answer is clear to I have lots to say! And I want a place where everyone can read all that I have to say! If you follow this blog, I can guarantee you posts that will be both funny and uplifting, as that is my modus operandi. More than likely, they will be somewhat random as well, like my life.
As I have never attempted this blogging business before...if you have comments or feedback or neat shortcuts, please let me know so I can become the blogger I was meant to be!

The title of my blog and the url took some time to decide on...with much input from friends and co-workers. There were many great suggestions and some pretty funny ones, including, but not limited to: BadAdams, Badadams, smallpam, pam-a-log, thetinyfirecracker, pamiam, pammywam, greeneggsandpam, plog, thepam, blogela, blam, pamdemonium and bambamsblog. While these were all excellent candidates...sadly, most of them were already spoken for. Then, in a lightbulb moment, my bus friend and co-worker, Andrea was telling me about a friend of hers who may be coming to stay at her house. And she said "My friend is nice, she would be a nice houseguest." To which I responded, "nice like me?", and my friend said "Yes...nice like you." And then it hit me! That should be the name of my blog! But nicelikeme was taken :( Foiled! By a german person who has "keine posts" --no posts!
Geschirrspulmaschine! (What we used to yell instead of a curse word--it means "dishwasher" in German)
So, I tried nicelikepam and it was available! Thus solving my dilemma.
I look froward to many late night or early morning posts and seeing all of your comments!
Thanks Bean for all of your help...and all of your future help in advance :)


  1. I've failed as a blogger already...It was pointed out to me that in fact nicelikepam was a joint effort between another work friend, Dean, and myself. Prior to his interjection, I was going with nicelikemoi. Thanks for keeping it real, fo shiz, Deaners.

  2. "Mr. MacAdow! Mr. MacAdow! Mine's BROOO-ken... "
    Oh, I can still hear his voice in my head.

    Your blog is not broken! It works! And yes, I will help you. What else is a Bean for?


Comments? Questions? Accolades?